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Accredited Schools
CFI Schools
Schools below are fully accredited through CFI
The National School of Theology
Dr.Orlando Short Dover,De
302 465 8077
Adventure Universal Intl.Theological Institute.
Dr.Vera C.Green
Montgomery, Alabama
Fire & Hammer Intl Ministry
Training College
Founders Apostle Emory & Lessie Collier
850 445 9970
National School of Theology
Chestertown MD. Dr.Ronald Fisher
302 302 678 4696
certificate courses
The Prophetic!
302 339-6117
National School of Theology
Fortworth Tx
Dean Overseer Belinda Moore
call 817 986 4303
Cleveland Prophetic Institute
Dr. Joseph Prude
1-216 256 6882
Grace School of Theology San Antonio,tx
Dr Karlis Kimbrough
210 643 7407
New York School of Theology NY
Dr.Damele Elliot -Hubbard
347 885 1324
Millsboro De School of Theology
Dr Shelia Drummond
302 245 7479
National School of Theology NJ
Dr. Gladys Sigue
717 317 8172
National School of Theology
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